
rq turtle/ttl


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PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
#title:UK rivers that enter the sea
SELECT DISTINCT ?river ?riverLabel ?sea ?seaLabel ?coord WHERE 
  ?another_river wdt:P17 wd:Q145.          # ?another_river is in the UK
  ?another_river wdt:P403|wdt:P201 ?sea .  # has a mouth of a watercourse or lake outflow 
                                           # at this point ?sea could still be another watercourse

                                                                                             # DESIGN PATTERN
                                                                                             # define a ?sea as a sea by...
  FILTER NOT EXISTS {?sea wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q355304 .   # excluding watercourses
                    FILTER NOT EXISTS {?sea wdt:P31 wd:Q47053. }                               # except when they're an estuary
                    FILTER NOT EXISTS {?sea wdt:P31 wd:Q1210950. }                             # or a channel
                                                                                            # by nesting FILTER NOT EXIST clauses 
                                                                                            # within a FILTER NOT EXIST clause

  FILTER NOT EXISTS {?sea wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q23397 .  } # Exclude lakes

  ?sea ^wdt:P403|^wdt:P201 ?river. # ?sea is at the mouth/outflow of the ?river
  ?river wdt:P17 wd:Q145.          # ?river is in the UK
  ?river wdt:P625 ?coord.          # get ?river coordinates
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?another_river") v4("?coord"):::projected v3("?river"):::projected v1("?sea"):::projected a2((" ")) a1((" ")) c3(["wd:Q23397"]):::iri c5(["wd:Q47053"]):::iri c4(["wd:Q1210950"]):::iri c6(["wd:Q355304"]):::iri c13(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c15(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;,en"]):::literal c8(["wd:Q145"]):::iri f0[["not "]] subgraph f0e0["Exists Clause"] e0v1 --"wdt:P31"--> e0a1 e0a1 --"wdt:P279"--> e0c3 e0v1("?sea"):::projected e0a1((" ")):::projected e0c3(["wd:Q23397"]):::iri end f0--EXISTS--> f0e0 f0 --> v1 f0 --> c1 f0 --> a1 f0 --> c2 f0 --> c3 v1 --"wdt:P31"--> a1 a1 --"wdt:P279"--> c3 f1[["not "]] subgraph f1e1["Exists Clause"] e1f0[["not "]] subgraph e1f0e1e0["Exists Clause"] e1e0v1 --"wdt:P31"--> e1e0c2 e1e0v1("?sea"):::projected e1e0c2(["wd:Q1210950"]):::iri end e1f0--EXISTS--> e1f0e1e0 e1f0 --> e1v1 e1f0 --> e1c1 e1f0 --> e1c2 e1v1 --"wdt:P31"--> e1c2 e1f1[["not "]] subgraph e1f1e1e1["Exists Clause"] e1e1v1 --"wdt:P31"--> e1e1c2 e1e1v1("?sea"):::projected e1e1c2(["wd:Q47053"]):::iri end e1f1--EXISTS--> e1f1e1e1 e1f1 --> e1v1 e1f1 --> e1c1 e1f1 --> e1c3 e1v1 --"wdt:P31"--> e1c3 e1v1 --"wdt:P31"--> e1a1 e1a1 --"wdt:P279"--> e1c5 e1v1("?sea"):::projected e1a1((" ")):::projected e1c5(["wd:Q355304"]):::iri e1c3(["wd:Q47053"]):::iri e1c2(["wd:Q1210950"]):::iri end f1--EXISTS--> f1e1 f1 --> v1 f1 --> c1 f1 --> c4 f1 --> c5 f1 --> a2 f1 --> c2 f1 --> c6 f2[["not "]] subgraph f2e2["Exists Clause"] e2v1 --"wdt:P31"--> e2c2 e2v1("?sea"):::projected e2c2(["wd:Q1210950"]):::iri end f2--EXISTS--> f2e2 f2 --> v1 f2 --> c1 f2 --> c4 v1 --"wdt:P31"--> c4 f3[["not "]] subgraph f3e3["Exists Clause"] e3v1 --"wdt:P31"--> e3c2 e3v1("?sea"):::projected e3c2(["wd:Q47053"]):::iri end f3--EXISTS--> f3e3 f3 --> v1 f3 --> c1 f3 --> c5 v1 --"wdt:P31"--> c5 v1 --"wdt:P31"--> a2 a2 --"wdt:P279"--> c6 v2 --"wdt:P17"--> c8 subgraph union0[" Union "] subgraph union0l[" "] style union0l fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v2 --"wdt:P201"--> v1 end subgraph union0r[" "] style union0r fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v2 --"wdt:P403"--> v1 end union0r <== or ==> union0l end subgraph union1[" Union "] subgraph union1l[" "] style union1l fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v3 --"wdt:P201"--> v1 end subgraph union1r[" "] style union1r fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v3 --"wdt:P403"--> v1 end union1r <== or ==> union1l end v3 --"wdt:P17"--> c8 v3 --"wdt:P625"--> v4 subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c13 --"wikibase:language"--> c15 end