: with labelswill timeout because 1 million hits the limit for the label service. Instead get all proteins ]reply[14:36, 17 August 2019 (UTC)) talk (SCIdudehits 944k objects and presumably the label service is the reason for the timeout. Optimization via subsets however is not possible because any properties are too fine-grained (e.g. "found in taxon") or cannot be partitioned (external IDs). So how do I get a full list of protein objects and their labels? --You may concider using this query : with labelswill timeout because 1 million hits the limit for the label service. Instead get all proteins : with labelswill timeout because 1 million hits the limit for the label service. Instead get all proteins : with labelswill timeout because 1 million hits the limit for the label service. Instead get all proteins TODO : with labelswill timeout because 1 million hits the limit for the label service. Instead get all proteins : with labelswill timeout because 1 million hits the limit for the label service. Instead get all proteins : with labelswill timeout because 1 million hits the limit for the label service. Instead get all proteins
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SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q8054 .
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel. FILTER( LANG(?itemLabel)="en" )
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