سكان البلد مع مجموع سكان المدن Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Počet obyvatel zemí spolu s celkovým počtem obyvatel městU každé země uvádí počet obyvatel a celkový počet obyvatel všech sídel této země. Pokud by údaje byly úplné a počet obyvatel by se měřil současně pro každou zemi a příslušná města, pak by poměr byl 1 ku 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populationsLists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Population d’un pays avec la somme des populations de ses villesPour chaque pays, liste sa population et le total des populations de toutes les villes de ce pays. Si la donnée était complète et les populations mesurées au même moment pour chaque pays et ses villes respectives, alors le ratio devrait être à 1 . אוכלוסיות של מדינות עם סך כל האוכלוסיות העירוניות Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Popolazione dei paesi e popolazione totale delle città Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Bevolking van een land samen met totale stadsbevolkingLijsten voor elk land de bevolking met het totaal van de bevolking van alle steden van dit land. Als de gegevens volledig zouden zijn en de populaties tegelijkertijd zouden worden gemeten voor elk land en de respectieve steden, zou de verhouding 1 zijn. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Länders befolkningar tillsammans med antalet stadsborListor för alla länder där befolkningen och den sammanlagda befolkningen i alla städer i landet. Om datan vore fullständig och befolkningarna mätts vid samma tidpunkt för alla länder och respektive städer skulle förhållandet vara 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. Населення країн разом із загальним населенням містСписки населення для кожної країни і загальної кількості населення всіх міст цієї країни. Якби дані були повними та чисельність населення вимірювалася одночасно для цілої країни та відповідних міст, тоді це співвідношення було б 1. Country populations together with total city populations Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1. 国家/地区的人口与城市总人口 Lists for each country the population and the total of the populations of all cities of this country. If data were complete and populations were measured at the same time for each country and the respective cities then the ratio would be 1.
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PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?country ?countryLabel ?population ?totalCityPopulation (?population / ?totalCityPopulation AS ?ratio) {
?country wdt:P1082 ?population .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],mul,en" }
SELECT ?country (SUM(?cityPopulation) AS ?totalCityPopulation) WHERE {
?city wdt:P31 wd:Q515 .
?city wdt:P17 ?country .
?city wdt:P1082 ?cityPopulation .
} GROUP BY ?country
} ORDER BY ?ratio
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