
rq turtle/ttl

Discussion]reply[18:30, 11 August 2020 (UTC)) talk (ArthurPSmith: I modified the English label to more closely match the Japanese and Korean ones (the original label would be confusing to English speakers as it suggested a count of the number of something, rather than an identifying label). Is this intended to be limited to those countries or could it be applied to the laws and regulations of any country? Okkn, Higa4, Wdpp, Gminky @Comment ]reply[11:29, 11 August 2020 (UTC)) talk (Okkn --https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:%E4%BA%95%E6%88%B8%E7%AB%AF/Archive/2018#United_States_Public_Law_(P3837)%E3%81%AE%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E7%89%88%E3%82%92%E6%8F%90%E6%A1%88%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F%E3%81%84 Please note the earier discussion: Support ]reply[07:10, 11 August 2020 (UTC)) talk (Higa4--Support ]reply[20:22, 10 August 2020 (UTC)) talk (Mcampany said in their comment, this will help us disambiguate between different Japanese and Korean laws that have the same names. Gminky と言われたとおり、これは法令を区別するために役立ちます。Gminky As Support ]reply[19:05, 10 August 2020 (UTC)) talk (Pamputt participants of WikiProject Japan Notified Yirba Syunsyunminmin (UTC)Shisma Haansn08 Spinster Mochimap Siramatu NMaia Mzaki Mcampany higa4 TT me T7Tris User:Araisyohei Camillu87 )talk (Okkn Bravefoot ]reply[14:21, 25 July 2020 (UTC)) talk (Wdpp--Support I wrote examples. and ]reply[11:48, 15 July 2020 (UTC) Jura: it lacks samples. --- Gminky @Comment が相当) In fact, there appear to be a number of laws in the form of Act No. 29 of 2003 with a value of P1031, for example.(P2461)ComLaw ID .(Legal Citationの概念、範囲がよくわからない)。 (I'm not sure of the concept and scope of Legal Citation.)実際、P1031の値がAct No. 29 of 2003などの形式の法律は多数あるようです。(オーストラリアは(P1031)legal citation of this text との違いは何ですか。 What is the difference between this property and (P1031)legal citation of this text プロパティの設定には反対ではないものの、適用範囲(日本以外について)については疑問がある。While I am not opposed to the setting of properties, I have questions about the scope of application (for non-Japan).このプロパティとComment ]reply[00:39, 14 August 2020 (UTC)) talk (Araisyohei--Support

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Query found at

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