
rq turtle/ttl

.) LIMIT من النتائج، مما قد يتسبب في مشكلة للمتصفح الخاص بك، قد ترغب في إضافة جملة الكثير(ملاحظة: يقوم هذا الاستعلام بإرجاع clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a ) LIMIT de resultats, el que us pot portar problemes al navegador. Podeu afegir-hi una clàusula piló(Nota: aquesta consulta retorna un . SELECT) a la clàusula MAX i amb una funció d'agregació (WHERE sota del bloc GROUP BY tots els valors de població en un de sol: el màxim. Això es fa amb una clàusula agregar, i grupCom que ho estem ordenant per nació, totes les ciutats de la mateixa formaran un bloc contigu de resultats. Per trobar la població més alta en aquest bloc, volem considerar-lo com un clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a .) LIMIT תוצאות, שיכולות להאט את הדפדפן שלך. אולי עדיף להוסיף פסוקית המון(לתשומת ליבך: השאילתה הזאת מחזיקה . SELECT) בפסוקית ה־MAX (כאשר) ופונקציית כינוס (WHERE (קיבוץ לפי) מתחת למקטע ה־GROUP BY את כל ערכי האוכלוסיה הפרטניים לערך אחד: המרבי. את זה אפשר לעשות עם פסוקית לכנס וקבוצהמאחר שאנחנו מסדרים את התוצאות לפי מדינה, כל הערים ששיכים למדינה יוצרים מקטע אחד ארוך בתוצאות. כדי למצוא את כמות האוכלוסיה הגדולהל ביותר במקטע הזה, נרצה להתייחס למקטע כ clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a 句を追加することをお勧めします。) LIMIT(注:このクエリは「多くの」結果を返すため、ブラウザに問題を引き起こす可能性があります。)で行われます。 MAX句の集約関数(SELECT句と、GROUP BYブロックの下のWHERE結果を国ごとに並べ替えているので、ある国に属するすべての都市は、結果の中で1つの連続したブロックを形成します。そのブロック内で最も高い人口を見つけるために、ブロックを「グループ」と考え、グループ内のすべての人口値を1つの値、つまり最大値に「集約」したいと思います。これは、 clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a resultaten, wat problemen voor uw browser kan veroorzaken. Misschien wilt u een LIMIT-clausule toevoegen.) veel(NB: deze query retourneert . SELECT) in de clausule MAX en een aggregeer functie (WHERE onder het blok GROUP BY in één waarde: het maximum. Dit wordt gedaan met een clausule samenvoegen en alle individuele populatiegehalten groepOmdat we de resultaten op een land orderen, vormen alle steden die tot een land behoren één aangrenzend blok in de resultaten. Om de hoogste bevolking binnen dat blok te vinden, willen we het blok beschouwen als een clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a clause.) LIMIT of results, which might cause trouble for your browser. You might want to add a lot(Note: that query returns a clause. SELECT) in the MAX block, and an aggregate function (WHERE clause below the GROUP BY all the individual population values into one value: the maximum. This is done with a aggregate, and groupSince we’re ordering the results by country, all cities belonging to a country form one contiguous block in the results. To find the highest population within that block, we want to consider the block as a

Use at

PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
SELECT ?country (MAX(?population) AS ?maxPopulation)
  ?city wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q515;
        wdt:P17 ?country;
        wdt:P1082 ?population.
GROUP BY ?country

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v1("?city") v2("?country"):::projected v4("?maxPopulation") v3("?population"):::projected a1((" ")) c3(["wd:Q515"]):::iri v1 --"wdt:P31"--> a1 a1 --"wdt:P279"--> c3 v1 --"wdt:P17"--> v2 v1 --"wdt:P1082"--> v3 bind1[/"max(?population)"/] v3 --o bind1 bind1 --as--o v4