
rq turtle/ttl

مرتين إضافتين لإضافة المهنتين المطلوبتين، ولكن كما قد تلاحظ، لا يزال هناك بعض التكرار، هذا كما لو قلنا: ;يستخدم هذا الاختصار الطفل لديه مهنة الملحن ومهنة عازف البيانو. والتي عادة ما نختصرها كما يلي: الطفل لديه مهنة الملحن وعازف البيانو. تسمح لك بإلحاق كائن آخر إلى ثلاثية (إعادة استخدام كل الموضوع والمسند)، مع هذا، يمكن اختصار الاستعلام إلى: , تسمح لك بإلحاق زوج كائن أصلي إلى ثلاثي (إعادة استخدام الموضوع)، ;ولدى سباركل بعض البنية كذلك: تماما مثل abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a פעמיים נוספות כדי להוסיף את שני העיסוקים הנחוצים. אך כפי שניתן לשים לב, עדיין יש חזרתיות. זה כמו שנגיד: ;כאן נעשה שימוש בקיצור לילד יש עיסוק מלחין ועיסוק פסנתרן. מה שבדרך כלל נוכל לקצר לביטוי: לילד יש עיסוק מלחין ופסנתרן. . כך, אפשר לקצר את השאילתה לכדי: מאפשר לך להוסיף עצם נוסף לסוף שלישייה (תוך ניצול של הנושא והנשוא לשתי מטרות), מאפשר להוסיף צמד נשוא-עצם לשלישייה (תוך שימוש בנושא לשתי מטרות), ;ול־SPARQL יש תחביר גם לזה: ממש כמו ש־ abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a を使った省略が、2つの必要な職業を追加するために、 さらに2回使われています。しかし、お気づきかもしれませんが、ご覧のようにここにもまだ繰り返しがあります。このコードだとあたかもこう言っているかのようです。 ;ここではChild has occupation composer and occupation pianist. これを私たちは普通、こう略します。 Child has occupation composer and pianist. 。これによりクエリは次のように省略することができます。 を使うことによって、別の目的語をトリプルに追加することが(主語と述語の双方を再利用することによって)可能になります,が述語と目的語の組をトリプルに追加することを(主語を再利用することによって)可能にしたのと同じように、;SPARQLにはこのためのシンタックスも同様にあります。 abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a twee keer meer gebruikt om de twee vereiste beroepen toe te voegen. Maar zoals u kunt zien, is er nog steeds een beetje herhaling. Het is alsof we zeggen: ;Hierbij wordt Kind heeft het beroep componist en het beroep pianist. We zeggen dan meestal: Kind heeft de beroepen componist en pianist. . Hiermee kan de query worden: laat u toe om een ander object aan een tripel aan te voegen (met hergebruik van onderwerp en predikaat),een laat u toe een predikate-objectpaar aan een tripel toe te voegen (met hergebruik van het onderwerp), ;En SPARQL heeft daar ook een syntaxis voor: net als abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a abbreviation two more times to add the two required occupations. But as you might notice, there’s still some repetition. This is as if we said: ;This uses the Child has occupation composer and occupation pianist. which we would usually abbreviate as: Child has occupation composer and pianist. . With this, the query can be abbreviated to: allows you to append another object to a triple (reusing both subject and predicate),a allows you to append a predicate-object pair to a triple (reusing the subject), ;And SPARQL has some syntax for that as well: just like a 缩写法超过两次,追加了两个必要条件。但正如你所见到的,仍有一些复述的地方,就好像在说: ;这里使用孩子的职业是作曲家、职业是钢琴家。 而我们通常会说: 孩子的职业是作曲家和钢琴家。 。因此,查询可以缩写为: 则允许你再追加一个“对象”到三元组(重用主语和谓词),英文逗号允许你将谓词-对象追加到三元组(重用主语),;巧的是,SPARQL对此也有语法应对:就像

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?child ?childLabel
  ?child wdt:P22 wd:Q1339;
         wdt:P25 wd:Q57487;
         wdt:P106 wd:Q36834,
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v1("?child"):::projected c2(["wd:Q1339"]):::iri c9(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c11(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;"]):::literal c4(["wd:Q57487"]):::iri c7(["wd:Q486748"]):::iri c6(["wd:Q36834"]):::iri v1 --"wdt:P22"--> c2 v1 --"wdt:P25"--> c4 v1 --"wdt:P106"--> c6 v1 --"wdt:P106"--> c7 subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c9 --"wikibase:language"--> c11 end