set preferred rank 15:35, 29 June 2019 (UTC) Jura: who seem to have worked with it. --- IvanP (most recent value should have preferred rank, all others normal rank). However, I don't use it myself and it's a different type of data. @(P1081)Human Development Index When looking at the data for the previous request, it occurred to me that maybe the same as above should be done for 16:33, 29 June 2019 (UTC)) talk (IvanP added current estimates but the outdated ones should be deleted. (I am not familiar with OpenRefine yet and actually did the HDI stuff manually back then. 😲) -- Bodhisattwa: I just wanted to note that HDI estimates for certain years have changed, e.g., the HDI of Germany in 1995 was given as 0.830 at the time I added the value to Wikidata, now it is 0.834. Jura1@
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