ICZN code propertiesWikidata:Property proposal/Natural science Originally proposed at Search scientific nameSee alsotbdPlanned useICZN compliant database, scientific articlesSourcetbdExampletaxonDomainStringData typeMISSINGDescription Not done Motivation code, which is fine. The problem is that they have a strong commitment and a tendency to reject any other stuff that can be found outside in literature as a mistake and something that should not be found in Wikidata. The opinion of the proposer of this is that it's not out job to qualify scientist work as mistake if they do not follow the ICZN rule and that it's perfectly fine to import those datas as long as they are published. The compromise that is the goal of the proposal is to make clear which datas are correct according to ICZN by making clear which properties are supposed to stricty follows the code and to let the "scientific name" be more relaxed and be able to reflect the actual datas, even if they could be considered a mistake for someone. It's a clarification and a possibility for everyone to work the way he wants and using the code he wants, to respect the possibility to cross different datas according to Wikidata - in line with Wikidata beeing a database that store tons of identifiers in all kind of fields. ICZN are engaged into a strong commitment to reflect datas about taxons following the Succu and BryaThere is a recurring debate on the naming of taxons on Wikipedia. Some very active people on the taxonomy project, naming This proposal is a starting point and I'll let the experts discuss the best way to model the genus and so on according to ICZN, for example use a qualifier in a statement like "ICZN genus" of a property "ICZN name", or use an item for genuses. I hope we'll end up in a result that satisfies everyone. ]reply[10:49, 28 January 2017 (UTC) pagetalk / TomT0m author Discussion ]reply[11:22, 28 January 2017 (UTC) talk) Faendalimas (Scott ThomsonComment - As I pointed out on the other page. Wikdata and Wikispecies are not publications for the purposes of nomenclature as defined by the code. Therefore they cannot make nomenclatural decisions on the availability of names. To do so requires a valid nomenclatural act. All Wikidata and Wikispecies can do is follow current usage unless a valid nomenclatural act can be cited. If that current usage is confusing or even in error, a note of this can be made but current usage must be followed in the end. I agree that for taxonomic names Wikimedia should follow the various nomenclatural codes, however they must follow them completely, which includes realizing what you can and cannot do on a web publication that does not meet the requirements of the code for making nomenclatural decisions. Cheers ]reply[12:25, 28 January 2017 (UTC) pagetalk / TomT0m author : It seems we agree on this. My point with this proposal is to use this property only when the name is (very probably) in line with UICN rules to avoid ambiguities, not to avoid the use of other names which is indeed impossible. The idea is to retain the other used names in the existing taxon name properties. Does it seems to be a good idea ? Faendalimas@ ]reply[12:04, 28 January 2017 (UTC) talk) Faendalimas (Scott ThomsonI am making a comment on the motivations for the proposal. You mention the wish by some to follow the code explicitly and to the exclusion of other information that may or may not agree with the code. My point is that due to its publication model Wikiedia cannot make this distinction and must include current usage for a taxon. Even if it is technically wrong. We cannot reject names that are wrong if they are in current usage. We cannot change the nomenclature of any organism to bring its nomenclature in line with the code. Cheers ]reply[11:35, 28 January 2017 (UTC) pagetalk / TomT0m author : Sorry, I don't get your point. How is this related to this proposal ? Faendalimas@]reply[12:56, 28 January 2017 (UTC)) talk (Brya This is separate from the issue that, depending on taxonomic tank, circumscription and position there may be many names which can be applied to a taxon. - The problem in general is that under these three Codes there are a lot of names (formal entities) that may not be used for a taxon, no matter what taxonomic position is adopted. Wikidata has items on some of these 'inoperable' names: 1) some of these names serve a functional purpose, 2) some of these names come from careless imports, and 3) some of these names are to some degree in use. . These have differing definitions for homonyms and the like, but, if we don't look too closely, these are compatible.ICNP and for the prokaryote Code, the ICNafp. It happens also for the Code for algae, fungi and plants, the ICZNA point in general: this issue does not come up exclusively with the zoological Code, the . People who just don't know can then use "scientific name" and expert would refine and validate (or not) by creating a (hopefully sourced) statement with the specific property. In SPARQL it's then possible to retrieve statements and their value for scientific names by a query as simple asSearch scientific names: Then I guess we should add specific properties for the different nomenclature codes, and somehow make them "subproperties" of Brya, Faendalimas@ ]reply[13:27, 28 January 2017 (UTC) talk) Faendalimas (Scott Thomson: points out there are multiple codes also and they have different definitions, they are independent of each other. We must at all costs refrain from being the source of a confusing nomenclature, most people who use these names have no understanding of how they are formed and governed. They do not need to. They will go to whatever source they can to get a name, including Wikimedia projects. If it is not the one in usage it can cause major issues and confusion. Cheers Brya: I am fine with it. We just need to have a clear understanding on its usage, and in particular what we can and cannot do with respect to the code. As @TomT0m@
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?nameprop wikibase:directClaim ?namepropdirect .
?item ?namepropdirect ?name .
} limit 100