
rq turtle/ttl

The label service (If the query works without the label service but results in a timeout when it is added, it can help to extract the bulk of the query into a subquery, and only apply the label service at the very end. You can do this with a regular SPARQL subquery: Le service des libellés (Si la requête fonctionne sans le service de libellé, mais que le temps limite est atteint lorsque celui-ci est ajouté, parfois la solution est de positionner la requête dans une sous-requête, et d’appliquer le service de libellé uniquement à la fin. C'est possible en utilisant une sous-requête SPARQL standard : The label service ( With some luck, the query will be efficient enough that the query service doesn’t cause it to time out now. If the query works without the label service but results in a timeout when it is added, it can help to extract the bulk of the query into a subquery, and only apply the label service at the very end. You can do this with a regular SPARQL subquery: TODO Служба меток ( Если запрос работает без службы меток, но с ней приводит к тайм-ауту, может помочь вынос остальной части запроса в подзапрос и вызов службы меток лишь в самом конце. Вы можете сделать это через обычный подзапрос SPARQL: The label service ( With some luck, the query will be efficient enough that the query service doesn’t cause it to time out now. If the query works without the label service but results in a timeout when it is added, it can help to extract the bulk of the query into a subquery, and only apply the label service at the very end. You can do this with a regular SPARQL subquery: The label service ( With some luck, the query will be efficient enough that the query service doesn’t cause it to time out now. If the query works without the label service but results in a timeout when it is added, it can help to extract the bulk of the query into a subquery, and only apply the label service at the very end. You can do this with a regular SPARQL subquery:

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?foo ?fooLabel ?bar ?barLabel … WHERE {
  { # Wrapper for label-less subquery
    SELECT ?foo ?bar … WHERE {
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Query found at