خريطة جميع اللوحات التي نعرف موقعا مع العدد لكل موقع Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Mapa všech obrazů, u kterých známe umístění, s počtem pro jednotlivá umístění Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Carte des tableaux dont on connait une localisation avec le nombre de tableaux par lieu Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Mappa di tutti i dipinti di cui conosciamo l'ubicazione, con il conteggio per ubicazione. Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Kaart van alle schilderijen waarvan we een locatie kennen met de telling per locatie Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Karta över alla målningar som vi känner till en plats med antal per plats Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location 我们知道其位置的所有画作在地图上,包含每个位置的计数
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#Map of all the paintings for which we know a location with the count per location
SELECT ?locationLabel ?coord (count(*) as ?count)
?painting wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 .
?painting wdt:P276 ?location .
?location wdt:P625 ?coord
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
GROUP BY ?locationLabel ?coord
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