
rq turtle/ttl

بالتسميات، خدمة التسمية مفيدة للغاية إذا كنت تريد فقط عرض تسمية متغير، ولكن إذا كنت ترغب في القيام بالأشياء مع التسمية - على سبيل المثال: تحقق مما إذا كانت تبدأ بـ"السيد"، ستجد أنها لا تعمل: FILTERيرتبط الاستخدام المحتمل الآخر لـ té relació amb les etiquetes. El servei d'etiquetes és molt útil si només volem mostrar l'etiqueta d'una variable. Però si volem operar amb l'etiqueta – per exemple: comprovar si comença amb “Sr. ” – veurem que no funciona: FILTERUna altra possible utilitat de is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of bezieht sich auf Bezeichnungen. Der Bezeichnungs-Service ist sehr nützlich, wenn du dir nur die Bezeichnungen einer Variable ansehen möchtest. Wenn du jedoch etwas mit der Bezeichnung machen möchtest – zum Beispiel: prüfen, ob es mit “Mr. ” anfängt – wirst du herausfinden, dass es nicht funktioniert: FILTEREine weitere mögliche Verwendung von is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of El servicio de etiquetas es muy útil si solo deseas mostrar la etiqueta de una variable. Pero si quieres hacer cosas con la etiqueta, por ejemplo, verificar si comienza con "Sr. "- encontrarás que no funciona: võimalik kasutus on seotud siltidega. Silditeenus on väga kasulik, kui Sa tahad lihtsalt kuvada muutuja sildi. Aga kui Sa tahad sildiga midagi teha – näiteks kontrollida, kas see algab "Mr. " – siis see ei tööta: FILTERVeel üks ). Le service de libellés est très utile pour afficher le libellé d'une variable. Mais si on veut en faire quelque chose, par exemple vérifier s'il commence par « Mr. », vous verrez que ça ne fonctionne pas : labels est aussi applicable aux libellés (FILTER קשור לתוויות. שירות התוויות הוא מאוד שימושי אם נרצה רק להציג תווית של משתנה. אך כדי לעשות כל מיני דברים עם התווית - למשל: לבדוק אם היא מתחילה ב־„Mr. ‎” - נראה שזה למעשה לא עובד: FILTERשימוש אפשרי ב־ is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of terkait pada label. Layanan label sangat berguna jika kamu hanya ingin menampilkan label dari suatu variabel tetapi jika kamu ingin melakukan sesuatu terhadap label– misalnya: cek jika label diawali dengan “Mr. ” – kamu akan dapatkan bahwa itu tidak bisa: FILTERKemungkinan lain penggunaan è correlato alle etichette. Il servizio label è molto utile se si desidera solo visualizzare l'etichetta di una variabile. Ma se vuoi fare cose con l'etichetta – per esempio: controllare se inizia con “Mr.”- scoprirai che non funziona: FILTERUn altro possibile uso di のもう1つの使用法は、ラベルに関連しています。ラベルサービスは、変数のラベルを表示するだけの場合に非常に便利です。しかし、ラベルを使って何かをしたい場合-例えば、「Mr.」で始まるかどうかをチェックしたい場合-それは機能しないことがわかります。 FILTER is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of is in verband met de labels. De service label is zeer nuttig als u alleen het label van een variabele wilt weergeven. Maar u iets met het label wilt doen, bijvoorbeeld: controleren of het begint met "Mr", dan blijkt dat dat niet werkt. FILTEREen ander mogelijk gebruik van is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of TODO is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of пов'язане з назвами. Служба назв дуже корисна, якщо ви просто хочете відобразити назву змінної. Але якщо ви хочете робити щось із назвою - наприклад: перевірити, чи починається вона з "Mr. " - ви виявите, що це не працює: FILTERІнше можливе використання is related to labels. The label service is very useful if you just want to display the label of a variable. But if you want to do stuff with the label – for example: check if it starts with “Mr. ” – you’ll find that it doesn’t work: FILTERAnother possible use of

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?human ?humanLabel
  ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q15632617.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
  #This FILTER does not work!
  FILTER(STRSTARTS(?humanLabel, "Mr. ")).

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v2("?human"):::projected v1("?humanLabel"):::projected c5(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c7(["en"]):::literal c3(["wd:Q15632617"]):::iri f0[["starts-with(?humanLabel,'Mr. ')"]] f0 --> v1 v2 --"wdt:P31"--> c3 subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c5 --"wikibase:language"--> c7 end