Standard ModelStandard ModelNo clear queries. → 0.5(P1122)spin quantum number spin = → −1 elementary charge(P2200)electric charge charge = → 0.000548579909065±0.000000000000016 dalton(P2067)mass mass = elementary particle(Q43116)elementary particle subclass of lepton(Q82586)lepton subclass of charged lepton (Q94535579)charged lepton subclass of type of quantum particle(Q22675015)type of quantum particle instance of electron (Q2225)electron → 0.5(P1122)spin quantum number spin = → 0.66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 elementary charge(P2200)electric charge charge = → 172.57±0.29 gigaelectronvolt per speed of light squared(P2067)mass mass = elementary particle(Q43116)elementary particle subclass of quark(Q6718)quark subclass of type of quantum particle(Q22675015)type of quantum particle instance of top quark (Q6778)top quark → 0.5(P1122)spin quantum number spin = → -0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 elementary charge(P2200)electric charge charge = → 93.5±0.8 megaelectronvolt per speed of light squared(P2067)mass mass = elementary particle(Q43116)elementary particle subclass of quark(Q6718)quark subclass of type of quantum particle(Q22675015)type of quantum particle instance of strange quark shows flatness rather than hierarchy (Q6763)strange quark → 0(P1122)spin quantum number spin = → 0 elementary charge(P2200)electric charge charge = → 125.26±0.21 gigaelectronvolt per speed of light squared, 124.97±0.24 gigaelectronvolt per speed of light squared, 125.11±0.11 gigaelectronvolt per speed of light squared(P2067)mass mass = elementary boson(Q28920814)elementary boson subclass of scalar boson (Q2750336)scalar boson subclass of Higgs boson (Q402)Higgs boson boson(Q43101)boson subclass of elementary particle(Q43116)elementary particle subclass of type of quantum particle(Q22675015)type of quantum particle instance of elementary boson (Q28920814)elementary boson subclass of type of quantum particle(Q22675015)type of quantum particle instance of gauge boson (Q105580)gauge boson boson(Q43101)boson neutrino(Q2126)neutrino photon(Q3198)photon fermion(Q44363)fermion lepton subclass of (Q82586)lepton fermion(Q44363)fermion subclass of elementary fermion (Q52234516)elementary fermion subclass of quark (Q6718)quark quantum particle(Q22675015)type of quantum particle elementary particle(Q43116)elementary particle Standard Model(Q18338)Standard Model
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PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?particle ?particleLabel
# find a particle
?particle wdt:P279+ wd:Q43116 .
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
} ORDER BY ?particleLabel