
rq turtle/ttl

إذا استخدمنا علامة النجمة بدلا من علامة الجمع هنا، فستتضمن نتائج استعلام باخ نفسه. من هذا العنصر". صفر أو واحد) علامة النجمة أو علامة زائد، ولكنها تعني "?تشبه علامة الاستفهام () بدلا من شرطة مائلة للأمام: هذا يعني "إما - أو": قد يستخدم المسار أيا من هذه الخصائص. (لكن ليس كليهما; فجزء من المسار "إما أو" يطابق دائما مسار طول واحد.) |يمكنك فصل عناصر المسار بشريط عمودي (): وهذا يعني أن هناك طريقة أخرى للعثور على جميع أحفاد باخ: /|+?)، والجمع بحرية بين كل عناصر البنية هذه (()يمكنك أيضا تجميع عناصر المسار باستخدام أقواس ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark () instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar (). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark () instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar (). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( Si nous avions utilisé une astérisque au lieu d'un plus, les résultats de la requête auraient aussi inclus Bach lui-même. de ce maillon". zéro ou un) est similaire à une astérisque ou à un plus, mais a la signification "?Un point d'interrogation () au lieu d'un slash avant; ceci signifie "soit-soit" (une alternative). Le chemin peut utiliser l'une ou l'autre des propriétés. (Mais pas les deux - un maillon "soit-soit" est toujours en correspondance avec un chemin d'une seule propriété.) |Vous pouvez séparer des maillons de chemin avec une barre verticale (). Ceci signifie qu'une autre manière de trouver tous les descendants de Bach est : /|+?), et combiner librement toutes ces différentes syntaxes (()Vous pouvez aussi grouper les maillons avec des parenthèses ( אם היינו משתמשים כאן בכוכבית במקום בפלוס, תוצאות השאילתה היו כוללות את באך בכבודו ובעצמו. מהרכיב הזה”. אפס או אחד) דומה לכוכבית או פלוס אך המשמעות שלו היא „?סימן שאלה () במקום לוכסן, המשמעות היא „או או/או ש… או ש…” (either-or): הנתיב יכול להשתמש בכל אחד מהמאפיינים האלה. (אך לא במשולב - מקטע נתיב „או או” תמיד תואם לנתיב באורך אחד.) |אפשר להפריד רכיבי נתיב בקו אנכי (). המשמעות היא שדרש נוספת למצוא את כל יוצאי חלציו של באך היא: /|+?), ולשלב בחופשיות את כל רכיבי התחביר האלה (()אפשר גם לקבץ רכיבים עם סוגריים ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( もしここでプラスの代わりにアスタリスクを使うと、クエリの結果はバッハ自身も含んでしまいます。 の繰り返しを意味します。 0回か1回) はアスタリスクやプラスに似ていますが、?疑問符 () をスラッシュの代わりに使ってパスを区切ることもできます。この場合、「または」を意味します。パスはどちらか片方のプロパティを使いますが、組み合わされることはありません。「または」は常に1要素のパスにマッチします。 |バーティカルバー () を囲むこともできます。次のようにして、別のやり方でバッハの子孫を探すことができます: /|+?) でパスの要素や今まで紹介してきた構文の要素 (()丸括弧 ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( Als we hier een ster zouden gebruiken in plaats van een plus, zou het resultaat ook Bach zelf bevatten. ) is vergelijkbaar met een ster of een plus, maar betekent "nul of één" van dit element. ?Een vraagsteken () scheiden in plaats van een slash te gebruiken; dit betekent "of-of": het pad kan een van deze eigenschappen gebruiken. (Maar niet gecombineerd - een een of ander segment past altijd bij een pad van lengte één.) |U kunt pad-elementen met een verticale lijn (). Dat betekent dat een andere manier om alle afstammelingen van Bach te vinden is: /|+?) groeperen en al deze syntaxiselementen vrij combineren (()U kunt ook pad-elementen met haakjes ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. цей елемент". нуль або один) подібний на зірочку або плюс, але означає "?Знак питання ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses ( If we used an asterisk instead of a plus here, the query results would include Bach himself. of this element”. zero or one) is similar to an asterisk or a plus, but means “?A question mark ( ) instead of a forward slash; this means “either-or”: the path might use either of those properties. (But not combined – an either-or path segment always matches a path of length one.) |You can separate path elements with a vertical bar ( ). This means that another way to find all descendants of Bach is: /|*+?), and freely combine all these syntax elements (()You can also group path elements with parentheses (

Use at

PREFIX wikibase: <http://wikiba.se/ontology#>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX bd: <http://www.bigdata.com/rdf#>
SELECT ?descendant ?descendantLabel
  ?descendant (wdt:P22|wdt:P25)+ wd:Q1339.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v1("?descendant"):::projected c2(["wd:Q1339"]):::iri c5(["bd:serviceParam"]):::iri c7(["#91;AUTO_LANGUAGE#93;"]):::literal subgraph union0[" Union "] subgraph union0l[" "] style union0l fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v1 --"wdt:P25"--> c2 end subgraph union0r[" "] style union0r fill:#abf,stroke-dasharray: 3 3; v1 --"wdt:P22"--> c2 end union0r <== or ==> union0l end subgraph s1["http://wikiba.se/ontology#label"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; c5 --"wikibase:language"--> c7 end