
rq turtle/ttl

Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34 Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# PREFIX sdmx-measure: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# PREFIX sdmx-dimension: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension# PREFIX sdmx-attribute: http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute# PREFIX property: http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#

SELECT DISTINCT (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year) (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) ?unit_EN ?unit_SMN ?nuts ?country_EN ?country_SMN ?flag ?country WITH { SELECT * WHERE {

  # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

  SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

     # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu

     SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
        SELECT * WHERE {
           ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
           ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
           ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
           ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
           ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
           ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
           ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
           ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
           FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

} } AS %semantic_eea_europa_eu WHERE { INCLUDE %semantic_eea_europa_eu .

# And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

?country wdt:P605 ?nuts . ?country wdt:P41 ?flag . ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN .

OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.

FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands

} ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity) LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34

Use at

PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
#Get share of renewable energy in electricity using Federated query

# Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu 
# and populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels from Wikidata

PREFIX cube: <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#>
PREFIX sdmx-measure: <http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure#> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension#> 
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute#> 
PREFIX property: <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#> 

   (YEAR(?timePeriod) as ?year)
   (?obsValue as ?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity)

      # Route query through zbw.eu as semantic.eea.europa.eu is not visible to query.wikidata.org

      SERVICE <http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query> {

         # Read share of renewable energy in electricity in EU countries from http://semantic.eea.europa.eu 

         SERVICE <http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql> {
            SELECT * WHERE {
               ?row cube:dataSet <http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a> .  
               ?row property:indic_en  <http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820> .
               ?row sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?timePeriod .
               ?row sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue .
               ?row sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure ?unitTmp .
               ?row sdmx-dimension:refArea ?countryTmp .
               ?countryTmp skos:prefLabel ?country_EN .
               ?countryTmp skos:notation ?nuts .
               ?unitTmp rdfs:label ?unit_EN .
               FILTER(YEAR(?timePeriod) = 2016)

   # And populate the result with finnish and inari sami labels and flag from Wikidata

   ?country wdt:P605 ?nuts .
   ?country wdt:P41 ?flag .
   ?unit wdt:P3328 ?unit_EN . 

    OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_FI FILTER (LANG(?country_FI) = "fi")}.
    OPTIONAL {?country rdfs:label ?country_SMN FILTER (LANG(?country_SMN) = "smn")}.
    OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_FI FILTER (LANG(?unit_FI) = "fi")}.  
    OPTIONAL {?unit rdfs:label ?unit_SMN FILTER (LANG(?unit_SMN) = "smn")}.   

    FILTER(?country NOT IN (wd:Q756617, wd:Q29999)) # Filter out Kingdom Denmark and Kingdom of Netherlands
ORDER BY DESC(?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity)
LIMIT 35 # Expected number of results is 34

Query found at

graph TD classDef projected fill:lightgreen; classDef literal fill:orange; classDef iri fill:yellow; v18("?Share_of_renewable_energy_in_electricity") v2("?country"):::projected v11("?countryTmp") v12("?country_EN"):::projected v6("?country_FI") v5("?country_SMN"):::projected v15("?flag"):::projected v13("?nuts"):::projected v9("?obsValue"):::projected v8("?row") v7("?timePeriod"):::projected v16("?unit") v10("?unitTmp") v14("?unit_EN"):::projected v4("?unit_FI") v3("?unit_SMN"):::projected v17("?year") c11([http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/indic_en/119820]):::iri c9([http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/data/nrg_ind_335a]):::iri f0[["?country != 'wd:Q756617'?country != 'wd:Q29999'"]] f0 --> v2 subgraph s1["http://zbw.eu/beta/sparql/stw/query"] style s1 stroke-width:4px; subgraph s2["http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql"] style s2 stroke-width:4px; f1[["year-from-dateTime(?timePeriod) = '2016^^xsd:integer'"]] f1 --> v7 v8 --http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#dataSet--> c9 v8 --http://rdfdata.eionet.europa.eu/eurostat/property#indic_en--> c11 v8 --http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension#timePeriod--> v7 v8 --http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure#obsValue--> v9 v8 --http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/attribute#unitMeasure--> v10 v8 --http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension#refArea--> v11 v11 --"skos:prefLabel"--> v12 v11 --"skos:notation"--> v13 v10 --"rdfs:label"--> v14 end end v2 --"wdt:P605"--> v13 v2 --"wdt:P41"--> v15 v16 --"wdt:P3328"--> v14 subgraph optional0["(optional)"] style optional0 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v2 -."rdfs:label".-> v6 end subgraph optional1["(optional)"] style optional1 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v2 -."rdfs:label".-> v5 end subgraph optional2["(optional)"] style optional2 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v16 -."rdfs:label".-> v4 end subgraph optional3["(optional)"] style optional3 fill:#bbf,stroke-dasharray: 5 5; v16 -."rdfs:label".-> v3 end bind2[/"year-from-dateTime(?timePeriod)"/] v7 --o bind2 bind2 --as--o v17 bind3[/"?obsValue"/] v9 --o bind3 bind3 --as--o v18