
rq turtle/ttl

Football leagues in ScotlandWorking on basic view of history, but lacks many of the team links which would allow geographical and timelayer mapping

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PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>
SELECT DISTINCT (?compyrLabel AS ?layer) ?teamLabel ?teamplace ?tgrstart ?tgrend ?tcompstart ?tcompout ?clow ?ctop  ?team  WHERE { 
  ?team wdt:P31 wd:Q476028.
  optional { ?team wdt:P571 ?tbegan. }
  optional { ?team wdt:P576 ?tdisband. } BIND(COALESCE(?tdisband, now()) AS ?tgrend).
  ?team p:P118 ?tcomp.
  ?tcomp ps:P118 ?wcomp.
  optional {?tcomp pq:P580 ?tcompstart.} optional {?tcomp pq:P582 ?tcompout.}
  ?wcomp wdt:P2541 wd:Q22.
    optional { ?wcomp rdfs:label ?compLabel. FILTER(LANG(?compLabel) = "en").}
    optional { ?wcomp wdt:P571 ?compbegan. }
    BIND (COALESCE(?tcompstart, ?compbegan) AS ?tcompstart). 
    BIND(year(?tcompstart) AS ?joinedcompyr).
  optional { ?team wdt:P625 ?teamloc. }
  ?team rdfs:label ?teamLabel. FILTER(LANG(?teamLabel) = "en").
  ?team p:P115 ?tpark.
    ?tpark ps:P115 ?teampark.
    optional {?teampark wdt:P625 ?teamparkloc.}.  
    optional {?tpark pq:P580 ?tgrst1. ?tpark pq:P582 ?tgrend1. FILTER (?tgrend1 > ?tcompstart && ?tgrst1 < ?tcompout ).} .
    BIND(COALESCE(?tgrst1,?tbegan) AS ?tgrst1). BIND(COALESCE(?tgrend,?tdisband) AS ?tgrend).
    BIND(COALESCE(?teamparkloc,?teamloc) AS ?teamplace).
  FILTER (?joinedcompyr < 1950 )
  BIND ( IF (?wcomp = wd:Q2261276, 
         STR(year(?compbegan))) AS ?compband).
  BIND(IF(BOUND(?compband),(CONCAT (?compLabel, "  from ", ?compband) ), ?compLabel ) AS ?compyrLabel).
ORDER BY ?teamLabel ?compyrLabel ?tcompstart ?layeryr

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